We'll be going on tour again, still celebrating our 10 years existence.
Thu 20 Sep: McDaid's, Le Havre, FR
Fri 21 Sep: La Comedia, Paris (Montrieull), FR
Sat 22 Sep: Espace El Doggo, Limoges, FR
Sun 23 Sep: Le Deep Inside, Dijon, FR
Mon 24 Sep: Day Off
Tue 25 Sep: Kreativfabrik, Wiesbaden, DE
Wed 26 Sep: Klappe, Regensburg, DE
Thu 27 Sep: Riveter, Nancy, FR
Fri 28 Sep: Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, DE
Sat 29 Sep: OT, Altenhundem, DE

On September 15th we will be celebrating 10 years of Sweet Empire at Rockcafé Asgard, Beverwijk (NL). We will be playing alongside some of our best friends: As We Go (DE), Dowzer, Batwölf, and Stage Banter. It all kicks off at 8pm and of course there's free entry.
Let's partay!

----> bottom right
We'll be hitting the UK for a weekender in July together with our buddies in The Disscoiates.
Thu July 12 - London
Ttw+rtzr> Beezewax/Sweet Empire/The Dissociates/Mean Caesar
Fri July 13 - Bristol
Dissociates & Sweet Empire at The Golden Lion Bristol
Sat July 14 - Peterborough
Sweet Empire (NL) / Dissociates (UK) / Sprainer
See you there x
(dates above are correct, flyer below incorrect)

Due to illness we have to cancel our tonight's show at the Sugerfactory. Hopefully there will be a cool replacement band as support, and Get Dead is still playing, so please all still go to show!