Euro Tour 2016 - September
We'll head on tour again in the beginning of September. We can't wait to be back on the road again and to meet some old friends and hopefully to make some new ones as well. If you're in the area of a show please come by and say hi.
See you soon!
THU SEP 1: Lotta, Köln, DE
FRI SEP 2: Private Party, Isny, DE
SAT SEP 3: Buben, Prague, CZ
SUN SEP 4: Ceska 1, Kutna Hora, CZ
MON SEP 5: Vegalite, Brno, CZ
TUE SEP 6: Sub, Graz, AT
WED SEP 7: Kramladen, Vienna, AT
THU SEP 8: Le Machine A Vapeur, Nancy, FR
FRI SEP 9: Le Deep Inside, Dijon, FR
SAT SEP 10: L’Imposture, Lille, FR